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Modular Moon | Modular Synthesis School - is world’s first school focusing on Eurorack types of sound systems, founded by Anna Martinova (Tulpa Dusha) in 2018 in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. In 5 years of operating, Modular Moon grew into international status learning facility - having sections opened in Mexico, Chile, UK, India, satellites in Japan, Russia.

The school crystallised its curriculum into a book, called Modular Sound Synthesis on the Moon, by Tulpa Dusha and Pete Johnston - an effective method to learn sound synthesis, enriching facilities like VCU Qatar, Musikverket Sweden, Victoria University of Wellington New Zealand, Det Jyske Musikonservatorium Denmark, Gnesinka University Russia, etc. The book was translated to Spanish - with it being the first in the history of music, presenting the topic to LATAM countries. The book was written during COVID lockdown times and was sold out in its first printed batch in a month of time. The book is wired to the platform - mini videos based on the book, making the learning process easier. The book is translated to Spanish and printed in Santiago, Chile, one by one copy.

At Modular Moon Bangalore, we are a modular synthesis school and a DJ Academy. Our focus is on providing high-quality education to aspiring musicians. Our experienced faculty is dedicated to helping students develop their skills and reach their full potential. We offer a wide range of courses, from beginner to advanced, in both modular synthesis and DJing. Whether you're just starting out or looking to take your skills to the next level, we have something for everyone. Join us today and become a part of the Modular Moon Bangalore community!

Meet The Team


Anna Martinova a.k.a Tulpa Dusha


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Artist, Educator,

Founder, Modular Moon Worldwide


Tarush Raj a.k.a Highzen

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Artist, Educator,

Founder, Modular Moon Bangalore


Nikita Naumchenko

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Founder, Modular Moon Bangalore

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